Ominous title... isn't it?
If you didn't know by now- I am gay. Yes, a true 100% homosexual man... I have never been sexually attracted to a woman, and I don't suspect I ever will... of course, if I met a woman I did like sexually, it wouldn't stop me, but for all intensive purposes I am completely queer.
I like the word queer, some other gay men don't, but I do...
I should wear my shirt that says 'Queer?' more often... maybe I'd get more action...
Right, so anyways, I have been living in Durham for six years now. I love it here (but that's another blog entry), yet I had never done the gay scene up in Newcastle. I know... shocking isn't it? Well, a group of us in the LGBTa decided to go up on Friday night (30th of January).
We first went to Loft- which was, I have to say, my favourite of the places we visited. One of the transvestites there was terribly cute, and I'm saying this even though he was in full-on drag queen regalia. Had he been in male clothing, whew!
Where else did we go? Ah yes, The Eagle... hmmmm... it actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but of course there was a group of us... and the dirty old men were checking us out the whole time. Had I been alone, well, I wouldn't have dared enter that particular establishment.
Then we went to Heaven, it was certainly not heaven as I would imagine it, far too crowded for my liking, and the lasers flashing everywhere would have caused most epileptics to have seizures. The rest was a bit of a blur, but I had to get more money- and ended up walking with someone (not revealing his name for his sake- no permission to, etc...) all the way to Eldon Square for some cash... man, I thought women out on Fridays in Durham in the middle of winter didn't where enough, but up in Newcastle- they were practically naked! I was frightened to say the least. But we did have a good discussion about never successfully pulling anyone...
We finally ended up in Powerhouse, which was the intended location. Not a bad place really- well designed and quite large (unlike Loveshack in Durham... ugh!) Yeah, dancing, drinking, merriment... good times.
All right, so you're wondering exactly what this has to do with a purple sock... I don't own any purple socks, but I was wearing one when I got back home the following morning.
Ok, you want details? I really shouldn't kiss and tell, but suffice it to say, I was pulled, in Powerhouse. Same Difference had just come on (they are even weirder in person!) and I was dancing away (I was quite pissed, even though I hadn't drunk anything in about an hour at that point, which was probably a good move (both for my own ability to see straight, and for my already suffering wallet). Yeah... and this guy came along, we started dancing with each other- that turned into grinding with each other, which turned into snogging...
So, the purple sock... yes, ahem... woke up the following morning, could only find one of my socks- I seriously looked everywhere in his room... but since he didn't want me to go home barefooted in one shoe, he gave me one of his- it's black, with little purple bits on it... but calling it the purple sock is far more catchy...
I have even thought of rewriting a queer Cinderella-type script about it- boy gets pulled, ends up with purple sock, doesn't know who he was, travels around to all the gay bars trying to find him again, taking the purple sock with him, finds true love etc. etc. Oi! It's not that bad of a premise, certainly better than that film 'Another Gay Movie' and worse, its sequel; 'Another Gay Movie, Gays Gone Wild.'
Right, so now you know about the purple sock...
1 comment:
If you posted a picture of the purple sock then we could admire it in all its glory...
How come there was no informing of people that you were blogging here?! I'm quite offended... :P
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